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Eye Protection Tips


The Twinkle Method

In a quiet place, relax yourself, and then rotate your eyes with your head and neck still open. Turn your eyes slowly to the left, then to the top of the gaze, to the right, and finally back to the bottom of the gaze, first nine times clockwise. Then turn your eyes from gazing below, to the right, to the top, to the left, and back to the bottom, making 6 counter clockwise revolutions. Do this a total of 4 times. Each eye turn should be as extreme as possible. This method of eye rotation will exercise the eye muscles, improve nutrition, and make the eyes flexible and bright.

Eye Washing Method

Put your face in the water, open your eyes, and move your eyeballs up, down, left and right nine times, and then rotate them clockwise and counter clockwise nine times. At first, when the water enters the eyes, the eyes are very uncomfortable, but as the eyeballs rotate, the eyes will gradually feel very comfortable. If you find it difficult to breathe while doing this, lift your face from the basin and take a deep breath outside. This method can wash away harmful substances and dust from the eyes, and is also effective for mild cataracts and can improve the refractive error of astigmatism, hyperopia and myopia.

Eye Ironing Method

Sit down relaxed, close your eyes at the same time, and then quickly rub your palms against each other to make it hot, cover your eyes with both hands while it's hot, after the heat dissipates, take your hands away abruptly, and open your eyes with strength at the same time, so 3 to 5 times, can promote blood circulation in your eyes and enhance your metabolism.